Sunday, February 3, 2013


The entire premise of my IDC3C Sport & Society course:

Orginal photo from: Photo Credit: Christian Bardenhorst via Compfight cc

It's not about fighting in hockey. It's about striving to improve as human beings; our qualities, our interactions and our abilities. Sport is just one small, wonderful area where we can do all of these big things.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

When people ask me if I'm a teacher...

When people ask me if I'm a teacher, I'm usually happy to respond that I am. The recent political unrest has made me a bit more reticent to respond in the affirmative, however, most people seem to still realize that we're trying to do the right thing.

I realize I'm very fortunate to be a teacher. Thanks to those who share parts of their day with me everyday: students, all support staff and my teaching colleagues at SHS, our admin, those retirees who keep coming back to make Sydenham an even more vibrant place and the occasional parent who checks in.

As second semester is about to start and I'm madly preparing, I just wanted to take a moment to be thankful for all those people who make my job as great as it is!

Photo Credit: Krissy.Venosdale via Compfight cc